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Discover the art of Modern Curanderismo as you explore the rich history behind modern-day herbal remedies, natural recipes, plant medicine, holistic and spiritual rituals, and more practiced by Curanderos(as) across the Americas.

Delve into the healing traditions of Latine folk herbalism and modern curanderismo with this all-in-one guidebook offering a fusion of time-honored and contemporary practices. Latine Herbalism details the medicinal power of herbs and plants, their origins, and their most common uses while also exploring the folk traditions from sacred locations in the US, Mexico, and South America. This book even goes one step further, helping you navigate through the most common afflictions of body and mind, from digestive issues to stress management and beyond, with remedios y rituales such as:

Breath Vibrations  ||  Heart Vibrations  ||  Spirit of the Flowers  ||  Moon Energy  || and more

Authored by a passionate advocate and practitioner, this book explores and honors the nuanced realms of curanderismo and Latine herbalism.

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A B O U T  T H E  A U T H O R

Josie was born into a Mexican-Cuban family rooted in the healing arts of curan-dería, shape shifting and clairvoyance. At an early age she was introduced to the practice of Curanderismo, Mexican Folk Herbalism, as a way of life. She studied and worked in the Fashion Industry for over 18 years before deciding on creating a Wellness Brand which focuses and shares her love of Modern Curanderismo, Curandera Remedies.


During those 18 years, Josie studied with various folk herbalists, in the Western Tradition, adding to her already rich family lineage of Curanderismo. The completion and certification as a Health Coach with the Dr Sears Wellness Institute has given Josie an opportunity to refine the tradition of Latine Folk Herbalism to introduce others in the use of herbs for everyday wellness. Today Josie is a modern day Curandera. Her role as a Yerbera, one who works with herbs, is to share her knowledge with depth, joy, and clarity.


Josie is also a Yoga & Meditation teacher (and forever student). She has completed Meditation studies with the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center and the School of Practical Philosophy since 2001.


She is the creator of Curandera Remedies is an indie wellness brand offering artisanal, apothecary remedies for modern times along with a curated selection of service modalities to harmonize your inner being.


Latine Herbalism is her first book, a guidebook into the use, practices, and recipes of Latine Folk Herbalism and Modern Curandersimo practice for beginners.


To book Josie on your retreat, gathering, or events connect here.


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